BC Photo File for Wildlife Records
The British Columbia Photo File for Wildlife Records was established in 1971 by R. Wayne Campbell and David Stirling. The purpose of this file is to document rare or unusual occurrences of vertebrates in British Columbia, without shooting or collecting the specimen. Many of these images are used for the purpose of “officially” accepting new species for British Columbia. Images are also used to document behaviour, mortality, natural disasters, pollution, microhabitat, albinism, and other wildlife-related topics.

If you have a photograph, slide, digital image, or drawing of a new species, an unusual occurrence of a species in your area, unusual behaviour, or other noteworthy records, please consider donating a copy to the British Columbia Photo File for Wildlife Records for permanent storage. If you believe the species photogrpahed is especially rare or unusual for British Columbia or your specific area, please consider completing a Rare Wildlife Form to accompany your submission.
All donated images are catalogued and archived and remain the property of the photographer. Your image will not be published, re-distributed, or sold without the expressed written permission of the photographer or artist. The record associated with the image however will be used for conservation and education initiatives.